Providing live or virtual tours to potential tenants used to be far more rare. Thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic, you are more likely going to need to give potential tenants a tour of your properties virtually than you will be in person. Therefore, if you are not already working with a Sacramento property manager that can tackle this for you, I have prepared the following tips on supplying potential tenants with live virtual tours on a budget.

Where You Should Invest Your Money
One area you may wish to save money is to provide the tour yourself through your phone. There is nothing wrong with doing that! However, I would recommend that you invest in getting a professional real estate copywriter to supply you with a professional description of the unit, as well as, a professional photographer to take the still photos. Both of these tools will supplement your tour after it has been completed to help potential tenants see the value in your property and choose it over the competition.
Talk About The Lifestyle
When you were conducting your virtual tour to potential tenants it is important that you not just list all of the features of the property but actually communicate while they’re valuable. You want to showcase the lifestyle that comes with the property as much as possible. For example, rather than simply pointing out that there is a seating area outside you may want to talk about how tenants love to enjoy their morning coffee sitting outside in that area. Again, the more you talk about the lifestyle that comes with the unit, the more appealing it will be to potential tenants.
Go Beyond The Apartment And Into Sacramento
Just as various features and amenities of the unit contribute to the overall lifestyle, the surrounding Sacramento area plays an important role. Even if you cannot include the local area in your virtual tour itself, it is important that you supply potential tenants with all of the relevant information about the local dining, shopping, schools, and other points of interest that will help them choose your property. Think of it this way, the reason that people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on an apartment the size of a closet with 10 roommates in Manhattan is because they are desperate to have a part of the Manhattan lifestyle.
Promote, Promote, Promote
Not everyone looks for apartments in the same way or in the same places. Therefore, it is important that you take the time to repurpose and reuse your virtual tours once they have been recorded as much as you can. Send them out in newsletters, post them on social media, upload them to the platforms like YouTube, and spread the word as much as you possibly can with them through classifieds too.
Are You Doing Virtual Tours For Your Sacramento Rental Properties?
Virtual tours are not just valuable because of the pandemic. They were one of the most valuable marketing tools before 2020 and they will continue to grow in importance long after. Think of each virtual tour that you create of one of your Sacramento investment properties as an asset that will continue to serve you time and time again as you seek out the highest quality tenants at the highest possible rental price.
Are you doing virtual tours yet? If not, what’s holding you back? Please comment and share below!