Up until now you have been able to reasonably handle all of the responsibilities and hassles that come with being a Sacramento landlord and real estate investor. However, the more you look to grow your portfolio and create balance in your life you may be finding that managing your property or properties is becoming a bit overwhelming. Sound familiar? If so, you’ve probably begun playing around with the idea of hiring a property manager to take over the day-to-day and big picture hassles of your real estate portfolio. The question is, how do you know whether now is truly the right time for you to hire a Sacramento property manager? In today’s edition of the Alpha Property Management blog, I’m sharing some key points to consider in your decision. Be sure to share them with your fellow landlords and fellow investors!

The Maintenance Calls Are Getting To Be Too Much
In the beginning when you only have one property under your belt, dealing with maintenance issues may not really require all that much of your time. Especially if you invested in a property that was already in fantastic shape or invested the work to get it to that point before having tenants in place. However, unruly tenants and additional properties can significantly increase how much of your time maintenance demands. If you feel like you’re spending far too much of your time dealing with maintenance requests or managing major repairs and renovations it may be time for you to hire a professional and experienced Sacramento property manager.
You Can’t Find Quality Tenants
Some landlords seriously struggle to find quality tenants that will pay consistently and on time, do not constantly call with requests and complaints, and stay through lease renewals while simultaneously taking good care of the property. In fact, finding quality tenants is one of the biggest struggles of many landlords. If you have been burned one too many times and are overwhelmed with how much time and money it takes for you to find quality tenants then you may be in more need of a property manager than you think. Property managers invest a great deal of time, money, and additional resources to ensure that your property is not only rented but rented to people that will treat it with respect and comply with all of your lease terms including payment of rent.
It Feels Like The Property Is A Money Pit
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly dumping more and more money into your Sacramento rental units then you’re getting out of them? If so, it may be that you simply don’t know where and how to spend your money in order to yield the highest possible return. There is no shame in not knowing what you do not know, however it is still your responsibility to hire someone who can help you in that way. An experienced local property manager like Alpha, knows which property improvements are necessary, which are legally required, how much they should cost you versus the potential return, and which are simply a waste of time and money.
You Want To Leverage Your Portfolio Better
It’s great when our real estate investments appreciate and make us cash in the short term as well. However, it’s even better when they allow us to continue to grow and expand our portfolio to yield even more impressive returns. If you are sitting on just one or a couple of properties but dreaming of scaling your portfolio to be much larger and need help figuring out how that’s done, a property manager is exactly what you need to do that. For example, I frequently review newer real estate investors portfolios and show them how they can leverage the properties they currently have into a more diverse and developed portfolio; two characteristics you should constantly be striving for in yours.
Not All Sacramento Property Managers Are The Same
At the end of the day, not all property managers operate or conduct themselves in the same way. You will find that while most basic services are somewhat standard, there can be a great deal of variety in the services offered by property managers which is often reflected in the cost. Whether or not the cost of hiring your Sacramento property manager is truly worth it to you or not will depend on the amount of value that you get out of their services. Take the time to do research and hire someone that can bring the necessary charisma, knowledge, experience, and overall value to the table that you deserve.