Is your head still spinning from all of the unbelievable changes we saw to the Sacramento and national real estate market this year?! Nobody could blame you! We have seen one record after another shattered from foreclosures to rock-bottom mortgage rates and the end is far from near. As one of the craziest years of our lifetime winds to an end, many Sacramento real estate investors are wondering what’s next. If you’re finding yourself in that same boat, here are some predictions for what you can expect out of the Sacramento Real Estate Market in 2021.

Sacramento Is Selling Strong
Okay, so there is nothing unique about a hot real estate market right now. The insanity of the pandemic triggered a real estate buying frenzy that has kept real estate agents, lenders, and title companies overwhelmed for months. Over the next twelve months, we are predicting a continuation of this high level of activity around the country and Sacramento will be no exception. In fact, the Sacramento market is trending stronger than many other metro areas in California which means this intensely high level of demand and shortage of supply will remain.
Rental Prices May Continue To Soar
Despite the fact that there will continue to be a buying frenzy due to people hoping to take advantage of low mortgage rates, the prices in markets like Sacramento are on the rise. Furthermore, we don’t foresee any shortage of people eager to find affordable and attractive rentals. Many people that were once eager to buy before the pandemic are no longer able to and are now the market’s most eager renters. Additionally, many people that were forced to sell due to financial hardship will continue to empower the high demand for quality apartments.
More Intense Rental Restrictions
I hope you aren’t one of the millions of landlords that lost their shirt due to tenants that couldn’t afford their rent this year. Regardless, it should come as no surprise that with so many scorned landlords and investors out there, the minimum requirements that most Sacramento landlords will require of tenants is intensifying in one way or another. This can come in many forms from asking for a steeper deposit to requiring that tenants obtain a renter’s insurance policy that will pay cover rent during financial hardship.
Do Your Homework Yesterday
If you haven’t already, you need to sit down immediately to assess where your portfolio is and how you can best protect and empower it in the year ahead. For example, if you go over the numbers and decide that this is the year you want to scoop up more Sacramento real estate investment properties, you need to be prepared for that. Sacramento is one of the top two markets that people in California are moving to in 2021 and that means that your competition will be brutal. You need to be ready to run the numbers on a potential investment property and make a power move quickly if you want to capitalize on the opportunities out there.
Make The Most Of 2021
If you want help analyzing your current Sacramento real estate portfolio and identifying the best possible ways to optimize and protect it in 2021, give Alpha Property Management a call. I will give you a completely personalized assessment and strategy that will make you a top-dog real estate investor with ease.